John Palmgren

John Palmgren

Software Developer


John joined the team when the development project was in its infancy and saw the process through to the release of an MVP product, he made significant contributions to the development of both the front-end and back-end functionality of the product.

John is motivated to actively contribute operationally and continue to develop his abilities. His drive and focus mean he will succeed. He is equally comfortable working individually or as a team member and I would be happy for him to rejoin our team should the opportunity arise.  

Peter Sutton, Operations Manager. Chronologic Ltd

My Tools

I am a Full Stack Developer with a particular affinity towards front-end development. With 2 years of commercial experience, I have honed my skills in creating dynamic and responsive web applications. My expertise lies in TypeScript and JavaScript, but my curiosity and love for learning have driven me to explore a wide array of technologies.





I spent two years building a time and attendance product for Chronologic Ltd. I came in at the early stages of development and worked until project completion. I worked across the full stack using Angular on the front-end and Node and Express on the back-end with a PostgreSQL database. Some of my contributions to the project included setting up email automation with AWS’s email infrastructure and developing an automated testing strategy with Cypress.




I created a website for the web development agency GoodWeb Designs. I used the Svelte JavaScript framework and Cloudflare for analytics and security. I hosted the website on Hostinger and integrated it with Calendly for clients to easily schedule calls.

Smart English

Smart English

Smart English is a repository of courses that teach English as a Second Language. The brief was to create an attractive website with the functionality to search for and filter courses. I created the front-end with Svelte and used Google Firebase to handle the back-end. I created a blog page for the website and used Prepr as the Content Management System, fetching posts with GraphQL.

Jamdown Fusion

Jamdown Fusion

Jamdown Fusion is a website I created for a business selling Jamaican Street Food. The owner wanted to be able to update a weekly menu and showcase the food and customer reviews. I created the website using React and used Contentful as a Content Management System to allow the business owner to change the weekly menu.

Just for fun

GoLang Backend

GoLang Backend

In order to learn more about Go, I created a demo backend written in the language. This RESTful API was for managing events and users for a meetup style groups and events app. The API interacts with an SQLite database. It uses JWTs for authentication and Bcrypt for hashing and retrieving passwords.



I created this game using the GameMaker Engine and GML language. It was a simple project to explore 2d game development. You can play it here.

Paint Canvas

Paint Canvas

Using the React JavaScript framework, I worked with some friends from my Web Development Bootcamp to create a simple but colourful version of Microsoft Paint. We used a neumorphism style UI and the canvas browser API. Try it here.

Memory Card Game

Memory Card Game

Built using vanilla JavaScript, this game lets you race against the clock to beat your high score. You can play it here.

Computer Vision

Computer Vision

As well as web development I am also interested in data science and AI. I used the computer vision library OpenCV along with the Python programming language to create a program which could estimate the value of coins from an image.

Political Speech Analysis

Political Speech Analysis

I used Python along with an SQLite database to perform analysis on over 32,000 speeches. First I wrote a script that scraped the speeches from sources online and saved them to a database. Next I performed analysis on this data pulling out the top 10 words used by party and by speaker and then making comparisons between these groups.

More projects, apps and games on my GitHub

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